Jun 15, 2014

flowers in little pots

For me they are like little mantelpieces and bouquets :) Over time I combine my favorite ceramic pots with different flowers.This summer I have fluffy kalanchoes and alpine poppies, which do better in small containers than those that I tried to plant last year.

Succulents... the best thing ever for little pots.

A tiny flower on a string of hearts.

Jun 8, 2014


Yesterday I had the pleasure to visit the Atelier Tissage et tradition, situated in Chilly-Mazarin, and see their looms and the lovely handmade fabrics.

A glimpse of a tapestry:

Threads of every kind, wool above and silk below.

Warping the loom can take up to several days, before one can start weaving future dish towels or blankets.

Close ups on waffle fabric, made into soft colorful towels:

We couldn't resist and bought some magnificent towels to brighten up the table. But the atelier also produces table cloths, handbags, clothes and hats.